Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wound tight

As the last days of my high school career are taking place, I have begun to notice the anxiety and tension so many people around be have built up.

My classmates are running ragged trying to balance homework, upcoming finals, and the bzillion senior actives now happening.

At home, my mom is letting the approaching changes stress her out and even make her calm demeanor waver.

What I have noticed as a common thread in all parties is the emotions of everyone becoming so unpredictable. I guess these types of changes bring about the dark sides in everyone.

Although not everyone is negatively reacting, I do feel a majority of peers have let the stress get to them.

For the people feeling wound tight around me, remember these words.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Near Death

I was fortunate enough to take part in the "Every 15 Minutes" program at my school yesterday and today.

For anyone who doesn't know about the program it visits high schools to teach students what driving under the influence can do to impact your life and others. Several kids including myself were chosen to be "dead" for 24 hours leaving friends and family to feel the loss.

During the program I was told that 1 in 3 is or will be affected by someone driving under the influence in some way. I didn't think this could be a real statistic, especially for kids at my young age.

I was proven wrong.

When talking with the other victims (who are fellow high school students) I began to notice that so many people I see everyday have had traumatic experiences with their immediate family and alcohol.

I have had my own share of people abusing alcohol in my family, but I have to remember there is always someone hurting worse than me out there.

Think of the people you see daily, thy may be at school, work, or church. A few of those people have been hurt somehow by a lack of judgement begin the wheel.

I will definitely strive to not be a case of disaster behind the wheel. More importantly, I'd like to be able to help people who deal with this pain. Hopefully I can find my position in this someday.

For more information on this amazing program please visit:


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Week of Mother-Day 7, Truly blessed

It takes everyone a different amount of time to find true happiness and peace with themselves. I'm happy to say I believe I have come to that point.

Today I took notice to how special and amazing my family (most importantly my mother) is.

No matter what the circumstances or status of my life is, I find it calming to know she is always there as her same old smiley self.

She has guided me through every step in life and I'm excited to share many more happy memories with her. (some not so happy too)

Be thankful for your mom today and everyday, I'm sure she had some part in getting you to where you are right now!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Week of Mom-Day 6, Elementary

I'm going to keep it simple tonight and do a very elementary sort of thing. (my mom really will appreciate this)

L- Loving
Y- Young at heart
N- Never underestimates
E- Early (NOT lol)
T- Teaching all the time, at school or at home
T- Thinks of others
E- Everybody treated equally

Happy 6th day of Mother's Day mom!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Week of Mother-Day 5, Teacher, teacher

To much of my dismay, I went to open house at my mom's school today. Even though I was reluctant to go, I learned and saw a lot this evening.

As soon as my mom got on campus it was as if a celebrity arrived. Not only the kids, but the parents seem so delighted to see her.

I don't mean to brag, but I feel really lucky to have such a cool mom. She is blessing to so many children at the school and makes a difference that lasts forever.

Hopefully someday I will be half as memorable as her in her everyday work!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Week of Mother-Day 4, The little things

Today I am simply thankful for my mom doing little things for me. Some of the smallest gestures have led to the biggest impact.

One of my favorite things she does is little simple surprises. Every once in awhile she will give me a surprise phone call, or just lunch at school.

Even just the fact that she will help me straighten my hair when I'm too lazy to do it myself is wonderful.

She always helps out with a smile and I adore that.

When things seem to be getting tough she knows how to turn it around with a little of her magic. Thank you mom for all the little miracles you do!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Week of Mother-Day 3, Parental Control

For the majority of teens, especially preteens, parental control seems like the worst think ever. Life revolves around how to rebel from the given rules for most.

I am with the 1% of teens that appreciates the rules my mom has set forth.

After heavy growth, I have come to see that she is so much wiser than me. Every single thing she has me do is for a bigger purpose that I have know slowly found.

Very rarely does she say "no", but when she does, I take it to heart and understand there must be a real danger ahead.

Without her guidance I'd be stranded and probably ten feet under. So thank you mother for the rules and regulations that have set me on the path to greatness. Love you ❤

Monday, May 7, 2012

Week of Mother-Day 2, Strength

Another unbelievable trait my mother possesses, STRENGTH. (Also something I lack)

From a minuscule issue, to a life changing twister she handles it all. Each and every complication with utter patience and respect.

She is a strong so that those around her can lean on her for support, a true motherly quality.

When it comes to the weakest moments, we all cope differently. I choose to run to mommy and probably always will. I am lucky to find shelter in her strength.

Thank you today mom for your strength!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Week of Mother-Day 1, Worker Bee

As Mother's Day approaches this Sunday, I am vowing to make this week a wonderful one for my mother.

Be prepared to hear a little bit about her each day this week.

Today, I am inspired by her hard work. After spending the day with my dad, I called to see what she was up to on my way home. Without surprise, she was at her second home, work.

I strive to someday have the strong ethic she does. She always goes above what's required to make sure the job is completed to 150% of what is expected. This quality is something many people would benefit from in the workplace or anywhere.

Slowly but surely, I will learn the to work a little harder because of her. Love ya mom!