Sunday, September 16, 2012


The college storm has hit me. 

In less than a week I have pushed out of my comfort zone in a million in one ways. But this a wonderful thing!

Although I don't remember all their names, I have been introduced to what seems like thousands of people. Out of all these people, so many of them are so inviting! 

Living in the dorms is quite the experience so far, and I don't think there has been a quiet night yet! Everybody is on an energy high from the new move and so eager to meet new people.

I'm interested to see if the environment changes once school starts but for right now I think I may just need some sleep!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Home, Sweet Home

Well, today was the day...I finally moved away from the nest and I am now living in the beautiful San Luis Obispo. It was an exhausting day, but quite a fun experience.

Only one day in and I feel confident in calling my little dorm, HOME! There is an abundance of kind people, food, and of course a nice comfy bed.

So for tonight, I wont say much as I busy rearranging the ootles of things I brought with me! But be ready for many great SLO stories!

Go Mustangs!!